
Business / Work / Special Occasions / Events

More and more people are realising that Prophetic Prayer is making an incredible difference to their business, work situation and special occasions.

Due to the diversity of such prayer requests and the testimonials that have come in, I have decided to bring further definition to what is available within my ministry.

Holy Spirit led prayers, with praying in the Spirit, can be given to whatever is important for you, at any given time.

Some samples of feedback:

“Now I really am marvelled by the Lord and the flexibility of your ministry…I have tasted God’s direct influence in a single day”

“It’s a miracle ! 7 hours after agreeing and praying with you through Holy Spirit led prayer – God answered our prayers!…This is awesome ! God is awesome!…”

“God has heard our prayers- as my niece was born super healthy, full of peace and through delivery that lasted one hour only ! Not only that, but when you look at her, you can clearly see that she is already blessed by God”

“We prayed for the atmosphere and business relationship, believing my boss and myself to be positively changed- well, I have to say that major change was obvious just the day after I received mp3 prayer ! Now it feels like we’ve known each other for a time. Praise the Lord !..”

“The more I listen and pray along with this prayer, the more I get a sense of releasing or being released and the better I feel. This is why I love prayer so much, especially when praying with someone who is anointed such as yourself. Thank you for filling this need to partner with us in prayer”

The Lord says :  As you give your donation to Eunice, I want you to give from your heart and that is why Eunice is posting this now as you need to know that I AM  rewarding those who give to her ministry IN A WHOLE NEW WAY as I will open My blessing IN A WHOLE NEW WAY ! THE GREAT I AM HAS SPOKEN !

God cares about every detail of your life ! If you would like prayer, use the link below and add your message to me on the PayPal link. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you so much for your kindness. Eunice