The Lord declares:
I AM moving on your behalf in ways you have not seen before, as I AM taking what was dead, broken, and given up on and bringing My penetrating substance to bring NEW LIFE into those places, relationships and circumstances, so that resurrection power can be experienced ! I AM renovating your lives IN A WHOLE NEW WAY and every minute detail will be taken care of as you will see restoration take you to a place of LOOKING AT ME IN A WHOLE NEW WAY ! I AM about to do the seeming impossible as it is MY desire to show you what I AM really capable of doing ! So expect in May, a display of marvellous equity that will pronounce to the world ‘ Look what My Saviour did for me !’ As I will show the world that My Body of believers will be well looked after ! I AM dismantling the religious views that say poverty is your way – yes, it’s time to set the record straight that at MY GATE, you are well looked after !! So great provision is coming your way , as May opens up quantities you have not yet seen , as this is MY TIME of showing off in your life IN A WHOLE NEW WAY ! A beautiful bonanza of My splendour is opening up your life IN A WHOLE NEW WAY !
The Lord continues:
I instructed Eunice to record a manuscript I gave her, titled ‘ Intimacy With Me’ as it is My intention to set the record straight on how it should be, as far too many don’t understand ! So if you are interested in what I have shared, then visit her website and on the new page ‘This Is The Way Walk In It’, you will find the mp3 that will declare My Word on this matter, as it’s time to make really clear the direction and obligation I desire from your heart, as I AM declaring that in this NEW DAY, My Body will go to another level of intimacy with Me ! So support Eunice’s ministry , as for a donation ( minimum £3 ) you can listen to what I gave and also come under the very special anointing that will baptize you in A WHOLE NEW WAY and allow MY FIRE to propel you forward IN A WHOLE NEW WAY ! So get ready to be blessed, in A WHOLE NEW WAY, as it’s time for ADVANCEMENT MY WAY and if you bless Eunice’s ministry, I WILL BLESS YOU IN A WHOLE NEW WAY !
The Lord also wants to say to Anne, who is reading this :
Anne, you have had so much pain over the years that you have endured especially for standing up for Me and I want everyone to know, that you are going to be rewarded for eternity, as your glow for Me has never wavered, even in extreme adversity. So get ready Anne, as I AM going to use you to wake IRELAND up , to the fact that I have MUCH to give the land and you My darling daughter, will be rewarded in SO MANY GLORIOUS WAYS and it starts with your own family right now. So expect to see amazing MIRACLES as there will be overnight changes to bring into alignment ALL that I have for you, as NOW IS the time for your portion of Glory to take you forward in OUTSTANDING WAYS!
To Andrew, I say :
You need to listen to your mother IN A WHOLE NEW WAY, as she has been chosen by Me to go to the world with her ministry and very shortly you will see that every word spoken by Me, into her life, has the victory, as I AM making sure that she has everything she needs for her golden path of a world wide ministry. I love you and I AM going to show you who I REALLY AM, as you have been playing games with Me so far. So get ready Andrew, it’s all about to change !
Then to Christine, I say :
You have been marvellous over the years, in supporting this ministry in MANY WAYS and today, I want to say to you Christine, ‘The Lady With The Lamp’, that you will be a marvel to those in SCOTLAND as you will open up MY GLORY IN A WHOLE NEW WAY ! So get ready to see MY HAND turn your circumstances around IN PHENOMENAL WAYS , as I AM THIS DAY, going to show you what MY LOVE can do for YOU, as IT’S TIME to show those around you that the GREAT I AM IS MOVING !!
27th April 2019 at 7:48 pm
Thank you Father !!!!!!
28th April 2019 at 8:43 am
Wow, I received the mp3 yesterday and today in my prayer time the Lord was speaking to me so clearly. I had visions of heaven and new assignments of angels whose names meant what the Holy Spirit had shown me about their ministry. I’ve listened to the mp3 again and experienced powerful downloads of God’s anointing into my spirit. Thank you Eunice for your faithfulness and courage to obey God and the price you pay of obedience to walk in this anointing .
28th April 2019 at 8:46 am
Awesome!! Hallelujah!!
28th April 2019 at 5:15 pm
29th April 2019 at 9:06 pm
Thank you Eunice! God bless.