Treasure From Heaven

Prophetic Ministry from Eunice Brennan

The Truth Will Be Known !

It’s TURNOVER time ! The blindfolds of persecution, denial, restrain, rebuff ,conformity,  injustice, control, intimidation, fear and lack of direction are some of the many issues that God is dealing with in an unprecedented way, as we enter a season of ‘shake-up to  make-up’, He says. Old ways and patterns are being replaced with the satisfaction of God, He says, that will straighten what has been twisted and produce what has been missing. This will charter the best, as the strongholds of man come tumbling down ! 

There are going to be depths of God brought forth that have never been seen before ! It is going to be a wake-up to the intensity of God ! He is bringing alignment and reform. The truth will be known ! Piety will be so evident and the walls of division will come tumbling down. A great Awakening is about to shake the world and it’s starting in our families as He brings the prodigals home!The family unit will see His Glory flavour and reunite so that the world may see His Mighty Hand at work. Reformation at it’s best !



Thank you Lord, that seeds of honour will be established throughout the world and that you will bring reform and justice. Thank you that the righteous will be rewarded and we can expect MUCH in your name ! Hail the King who lives and reigns !

The Lords says to you : Yesterday’s sorrow will be today’s leverage of distinction and grace, so you will accomplish and rejoice !

Hallelujah !!

1 Comment

  1. Chelliah Jayaseelan

    2nd October 2018 at 12:30 am

    Fresh manna from Heaven.Amen.

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