Rejoice ! Our King will bring recompense and rejuvenation that will enable you to rise to a whole new level of stature !  He is aligning you for compensation with what the enemy stole as well as rewarding you in the process with restoration and so you are going to feel much better, younger and more vital. He is also going to rejuvenate what you put your hand to – so you will see organizations/ plans/ systems become more lively, efficient, with new ideas and growth.


This will show the world that God is a rewarder of those that abide in Him.

Just as we will see blossom on our trees, this will be a time of blossoming personally, so that great joy carries us forward as we delight in all that He is doing in every area of our lives.

He will light you up with all of this so that you will be a beacon to all !  You will indeed see a great demonstration of His power and love that will turn your world the right side up !









Watch, as even this week, a new essence will catapult you forward in a very defining way ! This is the beginning of all things new ! 

Thank you Lord !