Treasure From Heaven

Prophetic Ministry from Eunice Brennan

A New Way To Make Headway In Your Marriage ! March Has Marvel With The Miraculous !


I am delighted to offer you the opportunity to discover what God advises, so that you can make great headway in your marriage! If you would like to see your marriage greatly improve, you need to open up the 30 gold nuggets, as He wants you to experience profound changes and have a wonderful marriage!

No matter how long you have been married, there is always a time for improvement and for anyone about to step into marriage – it’s a must read, so that you can stand on the high ground and experience a significant portal of gold!

This opportunity can be found on my ‘Heaven’s Gate’ page A New Way To Make Headway In Your Marriage!


Father says: It’s time to reimburse and see My hand pull forth extravagant measure! A new wave is about to transform what was , into the forward momentum of judicial favour that will take you onto the high road of success! It’s a notable time to see yourself shine! The waiting has passed – it’s time to advance! Glorious measure is your treasure! March has marvel with the miraculous! More, more, more is your store!

Oh we thank you Lord that you have such a wonderful pathway ahead for us! Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Yes, we look to Jesus!


On the passing of the great evangelist Billy Graham, the Lord says, “A new mantle has transpired with his passing and this shall be a great sign of the marking of change! Tsunami movement! Stupendous!

Hallelujah !!



  1. Glory to God Prophetess Eunice! Thank you. I’ve been thinking of you and how your words continue to unfold in my life. This is another on time word! I believe it and I receive it now by the blood of Jesus.

  2. Dr.J.Samuel Manoharan

    22nd February 2018 at 4:04 am

    Wonderful encouraging word.Amen.

  3. March Marvel! What a marvellous God we serve. May God reward your faithfulness.

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