Treasure From Heaven

Prophetic Ministry from Eunice Brennan

Ruling And Reigning….Why Stand On One Leg- When You Can Stand On Two ?!

God wants us to stand forward in the unction call that is purposed to bring an enterprise of Glory ! He says, Why stand on one leg when you can stand on two?  One, is being unbalanced and weak and this He says is timidity, refrain, subjection and being in a poor climate (atmosphere/place). This, He says, is no-man’s land ( which is land that no one owns or controls/ an undefined place or state). So if we look at two legs, this, He says, is jurisdiction (power/authority/control), dynamics ( the forces or properties which stimulate growth, development or change within a system or process), belief, magnitude, cooperation, compliance and rendezvous. This, He says, is harvesting- harvesting from great faith and vitality and enables His contingency plan to operate with astounding power ! You are called to rule and reign ( occupy the throne / hold royal office/ to possess or exercise sovereign power or authority) with undeniable power!


Two also stands for established testimony, confirmed witness, double portion, blessing of unity as well as agreement, reward, multiplication and support. How defining is that !!

As you rule and reign you will overshadow the enemy and season the world with triumphant glory of a new manner ! 2018 has a clarion call to us all! 


This year will see mandates of glory resurrect life and abort the enemies schemes and resurrect joy where there has been depletion. Aching hearts will see God move in those areas that have caused so much pain. He will close the gaps. 

There will be radical shifts right across the board ( affecting everyone or everything within an organization, system or society) which will seal God’s treaties of gold. Many spiritual bridges will be put in place. 

2018 will also see the hammer of jurisdiction elevate your land ( your promises/inheritance) and enable you to stand tall with the new. 

Its time to see the Risen Saviour jump out and make Himself known so that the flagship of revival pushes through a labyrinth of change !

Demonstration will remove doubt and so they will say “Without a doubt this is God!”  The revenue of change will astound! It will be a year of amazing surprises and will be known for milestones of success.

Equilibrium ( a state of balance ) will take a foothold and create a healthier stature in relationships. Recompense will be given, which will bring eyes onto God !

God bless you all as we move forward with great faith in 2018 !


  1. Amen!!

  2. Orlando Torres Sr

    2nd January 2018 at 8:14 pm

    Amen! This will be the Year.

  3. I am inspired

  4. chelliah Jayaseelan

    9th January 2018 at 9:34 am

    Most encouraging word.Amen.

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