This was the word given to me this morning, that I released on my Facebook page. I then felt the prompting of Holy Spirit , to listen and expand on this.
Jesus said: Renewed hope will acclaim contrite hearts positioned to serve and delight the King ! It is time to embrace a new resolve that will open the floodgates of heaven ! A seasoned charter, like no other, will resolve the lack of lustre and allow My sweet perfume to move away the disarray that has engulfed the nations. Listen to me, as a new visitation marks the day of a new today ! Resting glory is the resolve of knowing the truth to set you free and equipping you with sanctions of gold that will behold the King of Glory ! Lightning will strike and show the world My resolute stance.
Zech’ 4:7 Amplified
What are you, O great mountain ( of obstacles)? Before Zerubbabel ( who will rebuild the temple) you will become a plain (insignificant) ! And he will bring out the capstone ( of the new temple) with loud shouts of “Grace, grace to it!”
Thank you precious Lord ! We most certainly are at the beginning of an amazing move of our Almighty God that the world has never seen before ! It is so exciting! Let our hearts be truly open to the new resolve and new ways that He wants us to move and demonstrate His power !
I encourage you to listen to the recording ‘ You need to laugh ‘, that God had me produce and set up on my Heaven’s Gate page The laughing anointing is there for you as you take hold of what God is saying it will do for you ! Such a great blessing !
God Bless you
Eunice Brennan
15th October 2017 at 4:46 pm
Thank you Eunice. God bless you!