Treasure From Heaven

Prophetic Ministry from Eunice Brennan

Water into Wine

Pondering on thoughts of a coming family wedding, I started meditating about the time Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee (John 2). You see, I have expectations, just like Mary did- I have the confidence that Jesus will turn my water into wine ! By this, I mean He will turn my ‘ordinary’ into out of the ordinary , therefore to be ‘extraordinary!’ I believe and know that the Lord will, just as it was the third day after Jesus left the Jordan to start His ministry,bring completeness and divine fullness to my life in every aspect-because three signifies such ! Just as Mary proclaimed “Do whatever he tells you” -I know that as I do what He tells me to do, I can be sure of great results ! As the six stone water jars were filled, I take my faith and fill those jars with expectancy of the Lord bringing amazing results, because I know my Redeemer lives! The Hebrew number six is Vav, or nail, meaning to be established in a secure place, as we are joined and secured in Christ. The other Hebrew word for six is Shesh. This is the same word for Lily that has six petals in many of it’s common varieties. Jesus is the Lily of the Valley when spoken as the Bridegroom who is to be joined to the Bride-Church when her dominion will be complete ! So too, will I, taste and see that the best has been saved till last- that the Lord is going to make my latter years the most significant and glorious ! Yes, I have the faith that soon, I will most certainly see the difference…that my water has changed, to bring forth flavour and colour that surely exclaims How great is our God !!


  1. Christine Knowles

    2nd September 2015 at 8:15 pm

    Thank you Eunice. Hallelujah!

  2. Please do not stop sendinge your letters .

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