Treasure From Heaven

Prophetic Ministry from Eunice Brennan


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I have recently returned from a trip that has changed me yet again…God is so good…He enabled me to visit the Holy Land, Israel and so experience the land that Jesus walked upon and is so precious to God.

I never thought I would be so profoundly affected in the way I was…words fail in trying to express what it was like for me, because it was so very very deep, so I won’t even try…suffice to say that I did a lot of weeping, so overcome with the Holy Spirit and the beautiful presence.
One of the numerous highlights, was to sit on the shore by the lake in Galilee and take communion, remembering the various things that happened around these waters with Jesus and His disciples…the presence there was so heartfelt that I know it will never leave me ! So very treasured !

It was also a great blessing to have the Empowered 21 Conference alongside, where we were able to receive so much including great words from dynamic speakers who are on fire for God…some wanting the world to realise that so many need to move out from “church” with all it’s man-made structure and allow the Holy Spirit to be the centre and so allow the manifestation of Holy Spirit, so that God can move in the way He wants and not have man’s time and structure blocking !! That is the “church” we need more of ! There were many other wonderful relevant messages for where we stand now, at the start of an awesome outpouring !

Another of the greatest needs today in the church, is a revelation of the Father heart of God. Jesus came to start a relationship – not a religion. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, He opened up the way for us to His Father’s house, where we can come home, just like the prodigal (Luke 15:20), into his welcoming arms of love. That is what Christianity is all about.
It is interesting to note in that story, that traditionally had he reached home after failing so badly, the village elders would have held a ‘ceremony of shame’ known as kezazah in Hebrew. Here they would have taken a clay pitcher and smashed it on the ground in front of him, conveying his ties with the community were broken and he was no longer welcome. So that is why his father ran to meet him. He was saying, “I have to get to my son with gracebefore they get to him with the law. I have to give him hope before they take it away. My ceremony is different – a homecoming party to celebrate his restoration ! Thank you Father that you do that when we turn to you !

I thank you Lord, that the world is going to wake up to who you truly are – the most beautiful, awesome, loving God, who is so passionate about us ! Thank you Father, that your love will conquer and break the chains, so that the true reality of who you are, will transition people onto the steps of moving upward into your amazing Kingdom, where fullness of joy will take them forward in incredible supernatural ways ! Such love !!


  1. Michelle Deaderick

    1st June 2015 at 12:47 pm

    Thank Eunice for sharing the experiences you had on your Israel trip. It is my
    heart’s desire also to go to Israel and experience God’s Beloved Land as you did.

  2. A treasure visiting a big treasure.

    Giving treasure and receiving even bigger treasure in return.

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